October Go-To’s

14 10 2014

Hi Everyone!!

So I’ve put together my October must-haves, go-to’s, whatever you want to call it. I hope you guys enjoy!

1. Dunkin’ Donuts Pumpkin Coffee (Cream and Sugar)

You’re talking to a basic white girl now, and I’M even saying back off the Starbucks. Not saying that Starbucks pumpkin spice lattés aren’t to die for. Yes, I know they are addicting as hell. However, a way more affordable coffee drink without all of the added whole milk and whipped cream can be found at your nearest Dunkin’ Donuts. Pumpkin coffee is my go-to October drankk. If you’re a hesitant Starbucks lover, I understand; however, trust me on this one. Coming from a recovering Starbucks addict, Dunkin’ Donuts ain’t to shabby. Not too shabby at all.

2. Tall Brown Boots

And not just ANY old boots. no, no, no. I’m talking Steve Madden ladies. My boyfriend recently spoiled me with the Steve Madden Creation Boots in brown and I am in LOVE. They are so perfect for this fall weather. Not to mention, they look sassy, classy, and trendy all at once. Tall brown boots can really pull an outfit together.

3. Burnt Oranges and Cranberries (sounds like some sort of strange recipe)

These are my go-to fall colors. Especially, for eyeshadow. Now I’m not talking anything too out-there. I don’t wear bright oranges and cranberry colors on my eyelids. That would be something for the circus. No, I wear a brown tinted version of these colors. And if you’re too shy of wearing these colors on your eyes (although you should still try it out! There’s a way to make these colors very wearable. I’ll do a post on that later (: ), then feel free to incorporate them into your wardrobe. Nothing beats a nice cranberry sweater.

4. No-Chip Manicures

I used to not be the go-get-my-nails done type girl, but then I found out about no-chip manicures and holy jesus, I’m in love with them. The manicures stay on for about two weeks and you guessed it, they don’t chip! Although it can be a bit pricy ($35 on average), I’d say it’s worth the expense. If I were to recommend a brand it would definitely be O.P.I. Although this polish may dry out your fingernails, it stays on like crazy and I’m a little bit obsessed. A little.

5. Aztec Prints

Aztec prints are so versatile. They look good in pretty much any season (with the right color combinations), but a nice red, white, blue, brown, black, mustard yellow, gray, or turquoise combination of colors is prime for fall. I love a cute aztec sweater or cardigan for this weather. I have the CUTEST red, white, and blue aztec print jacket that gets so many compliments. Aztec prints are just so unique and they really catch people’s eyes, so next time you go on a shopping spree, add something aztec to your cart! You won’t regret it.

6. Live Lokai Bracelets (more to come on this later)

I’ll do a whole post on these later, but basically these bracelets spread a very powerful message and they are totally cute. I wear mine every day and I always get compliments or people asking me what it is. Like I said, I’ll do a whole post on this later, but for now, just invest into looking into livelokai.com and ordering a bracelet for yourself! I’m trying to start a trend this fall with these bracelets. They should be the next big thing after Livestrong bracelets, am I right?

7. Statement Necklaces

Nothing ties together an outfit like a beautiful statement necklace. It should be something that catches the eye but doesn’t distract from the outfit itself. For fall, I really like silver and turquoise colored necklaces. Gold and brown is another good combination of colors. Just look for something that suits you!

8. Jumpsuits

Jumpsuits may have seemed like a summer-only necessity but honey, they are still just as prominent in the fall. Invest in a nice new black jumpsuit this fall! It’s more versatile than a dress, but it still gives off that dressed-up vibe. It can be casual, yet fancy. What beats that?

9. Infinity Scarves

My personal favorite scarf this time of year is my mustard yellow infinity scarf. It really adds the sense of fall to an outfit. Also, it keeps me warm! Some tips: spray your scarf with Bath & Body Works body spray and you can smell it right under your nose the whole day! Also, if you’re wearing an outfit that is borderline out-of-season, have no fear! Just throw on an infinity scarf and you are good to go, my friend.

10. Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Fro-Yo

I don’t really know how to elaborate on this. Um, it’s delicious? If you haven’t tried it, do so. It is very fall-y, spicy (like cinnamon type spice not hot wings, ya feel?), and wummy. Enough said.

11. Goldbond (whaaat?)

This might just be a personal thing, but I thought I would share it because it is definitely a fall necessity for me. During the colder months, I really layer up when I go to bed (I like to be warm). However, this causes heat rash to form on my chest. Do not mistake heat rash with chest acne. They are two very different things. If you notice red bumps on your body and you know that you wear warm clothes to bed, heat rash may be the culprit. There is a simple cure. No, I’m not going to wear lighter clothes to bed. Nope, not gonna happen. Instead, I apply Goldbond powder or Goldbond cream to the affected areas, and voila! No more heat rash.

So that’s it for my October Go-To’s. Hope you guys enjoyed and feel free to respond with comments, questions, requests, suggestions, what have you! Have a wonderful October (:



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